Having been rained off Leck Fell the previous day, we thought we would have another go.
TC had suggested Starting Handle Hole for the meets list this year, but it did not happen on its designated date, so we thought we would give it a go.
We arrived on Leck fell to see another group changing, they were heading to Lost John's, a trip we did not fancy with the ground saturated and more rain forecast.
After a swift change, the hardy team undertook the long, arduous walk to the cave. The navigation was successful and we were soon underground.
This cave is rigged on spits, something I have not done for quite a while. It certainly reduces the rigging speed.
TC has helped by putting little white keepers in all the spits, which makes them easier to find and helps keep the water out.
The first pitch was on a fixed bolt & scaffolding bar (with an improvised deviation part way down).
The second pitch was backed up with a couple of natruals before a pair of spits.
The third pitch (which I think should have been a climb according to Northern Caves) had 3 spits & 2 bolts with a line between the bolts.
I did not fit to the head of the fourth pitch, so Stuart took the lead for a 2 bolt traverse to Y hang (on spits) with an in situ deviation.
He reported that there were a few down climbs and a fifth pitch (which made me think the third pitch was not in Northern Caves).
Having got as far as we could we made our way out. Stu found that derigging with spits and keepers is quite slow!
It was quite a short trip, if you discount the arduous walk to & from the cave.
I think it will be worth another visit with a bit more string and maybe a topo.
Team: Ros, Paul, Stu & Dave.
Time: About 2 hours.